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ask a farmer | What is the difference between a cow, heifer, bull, & steer?
BULL, Cow, Heifer, Steer...What's the difference?! Farmer Gramps teaches ranch vocabulary! Cowpokes
What's the difference between a steer vs. bull? Cow vs. heifer?
demonstrating the differences between cow/heifer and bulls/steers
Value Heifer VS. Steer | Aaron Berger | August 11, 2023
The difference of a cow, heifer, bull and steer! Also getting sawdust!
Greg Judy - Cow-Calf vs. Stocker vs. Feeder
Mother Cow Protects Baby Calf, Attacks Dairy Farmer
Deciding If This Calf Will Stay A Bull Or Become A Steer...
The best way I know how to pick a Black Angus replacement heifer
Feeder Steers, Springer Heifers & Beef Cows!!!!
Charolais bull doesn't like to waste any time with the cows, starts the action within a minute